You Are Cordially Invited By Henry DeVries of Indie Books To Kick Into High Gear
March 12 & 13, 2025 Virtual Marketing Retreat On Zoom
If you would be open to a conversation about attending my March 12 & 13 virtual Marketing With A Book and Speech retreat on Zoom, that would be great. The retreat is about how authors can add paid speaking to what they are doing. The retreat helps authors get more bookings, more buzz, and more business so they can have more impact and influence.

Venue: Zoom. When you register we give you the link.
Content: No more ready, fire, aim. No more ready, aim, aim, aim. For you to have more impact and influence you need the right strategy, the right tactics, and the right execution. The magic is in the mix. You can shine a spotlight on your book and speaking by using a mix of strategies that are working now. Let’s spend six hours of brainstorming, getting feedback, and committing to an action plan to make that happen.
Schedule: The two-day Marketing With A Book and Speech Retreat begins on Wednesday, March 12th with a three-hour session from 9 am-noon PT (11 am – 2 pm CT, noon-3 pm ET). There will be homework for Wednesday night. We reconvene Thursday, March 13th for a three-hour session from 9 am-noon PT (11 am – 2 pm CT, noon-3 pm ET). This is not a pitch-fest. All books, tools and worksheet materials are included. No kidding. You will be asked to present and share several times over the course of two days. You will leave with a pragmatic action plan of what to do in 30 days, 90 days, and the next year. There will be breaks between modules.
March 12, 2024
Module 1, 9-10 am PT
Refining Your Defining Statement and Paragraph, based on Defining You
Module 2, 10-11 am PT
16 Ways To Get Paid to Speak, based on Marketing With A Book
Module 3, 11-noon PT
Refining Your Virtual Small Scale Seminar Strategy
March 13, 2024
Module 4, 9-10 am PT
Persuade Meeting Planners with A Story, based on Persuade With A Story!
Module 5, 10-11 am PT
Pitching Publicity and Podcasts, based on Build Your Consulting Practice
Module 6, 11-noon PT
Telling Killer Client and Personal Stories, based on Persuade With A Story!