Hi this is Henry DeVries with a special offer to attend my next private “Growing Your Business” workshop in San Diego.
Growing Your Business
The Science of Attracting High-Paying Clients for Independent Professionals, Solo Consultants, and Small Business Owners
March 20th or April 24th
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
UC San Diego Extension, University City
6256 Greenwich Dr.
San Diego, CA 92122
This special event is designed to meet the best of what you need to know and what you need to do in order to grow your business or professional practice.
You will discover the best practices for:
- How to be more focused on a daily basis,
- How to attract more prospects,
- How to stimulate more referrals,
- How to create a marketing plan that works,
- How to mine your database for more sales, and
- Finally, how to put more money in your pocket
Henry is the author of How to Close a Deal Like Warren Buffett, Client Seduction, Self-Marketing Secrets, Pain Killer Marketing and the soon-to-be-released The Science of Attracting High-Paying Clients. He also writes weekly marketing/career columns for Forbes.com and the San Diego Union Tribune (UT-San Diego).
While you may be familiar with Henry’s work, recently much has been added in terms of depth and detail. He wants to be sure you are up to date with the latest and greatest tools and strategies for growing your business or professional practice.
There is no fee for this event, although he has charged $795 in the past for his workshops. It is Henry’s gift to you and we hope you are able to attend. He does request that you are able to attend the whole event and not part of it. Also, please know there will be no marketing or selling of any types of programs, products or services. No cost, no selling, no kidding. You might be asked for feedback on Henry’s upcoming book.
To request a seat please email Henry’s assistant Devin DeVries at devin@scienceofclients.com
Please let us know as soon as possible if you can make it and for what date. We have reserved a room with limited seating. We are expecting a group of 12 to 16 friends, clients, and colleagues.