What is marketing with a book really worth to a consultant?
The San Diego Union-Tribune devoted the entire front page of its Sunday opinion section to one of my recent co-authored books, Closing America’s Job Gap.
Where the jobs are: Yes, even welding
San Diego Union Tribune
By Mary Walshok & Henry DeVries In these days of fiscal shortfalls and high unemployment across the state, it is easy to become discouraged about the …
Without a book, I would never have received this kind of publicity. If I had purchased an ad this size, I would have had to pay $20,000. But now consider this. Studies show that six times more people pay attention to and read stories than ads. So some sort of multiplier needs to be involved. The PR industry rule of thumb is three times ad value. So, in other words, I would have had to spend $60,000 in advertising to get the impact of a story and implied endorsement.