A book I recommend all consultants and professionals devour
My buddy Bob Burg and his co-author John David Mann have a great book out called
The Go-Giver. Bob wrote the classic best-selling book titled
Endless Referrals. Here are some of my ideas on how to be a go-giver so you will get new clients.
- Give referrals and you will get referrals. You will receive references and leads from people who have experienced your best work.
- Give references and you will get references. When they ask if they can return the favor, ask satisfied customers if they will write you a letter of reference to use in part on your Web site and to give to prospects as a reference.
- Volunteer. There is no better way to establish a relationship with someone than through doing work together. Get involved and get known for being a competent, pleasant, and intelligent worker.
- If you get a foot in the door and prove yourself, offer one or two hours of your services for free.
- Offer a “pilot project” which will enable your customer to determine how well you work and how much he needs what you have to offer.
- Help smaller clients share expenses by suggesting a consortium to use your services. This is an especially good technique if you are offering information and/or training services for non-proprietary information.
- Network with others and become part of their “virtual” organizations. Include them in yours as well. Remember, you have to give to get.