SAN DIEGO (Oct. 1, 1999) – Henry DeVries/Communications received two of the top honors at the 1999 Edward L. Bernays Awards for public relations professionals, held yesterday at Sea World. The annual ceremony is held in every city where there is a local chapter of Public Relations Society of America.
Henry DeVries, the president and founder of Henry DeVries/Communications, won two Mark of Excellence Awards for work completed between August 1, 1998 and July 31, 1999. He received recognition for a news release written for Road Runner Sports and for an opinion/editiorial article written for Coleman College.
DeVries is president of his own high-tech and B2B marketing communications firm, Henry DeVries/Communications. Active in the community, DeVries also serves on the board of the UCSD Alumni Association and is an instructor at UCSD Extension.