Once upon a time my business coach, Gary, asked me four questions that changed my life. Question #1, what was my exit strategy for my advertising and PR agency?
“Well Gary, after I run my firm for 10 more years I am turning it over to someone and then I will teach consultants how to attract clients,” I said. “My wife and I are going to retire to a college town and spend our life surrounded by trees and water.”
His second question was, “How would you do that?” Excitedly I told him I would write books, make speeches, put on conferences and teach at a university. There are so many consultants that are great at what they do, but no one has ever them taught the science of attracting clients.
Question #3: “You sound very passionate. Why are you waiting for 10 years to follow your passion?” That question stumped me because my thoughts were on my obligations, clients, and employees. The fourth question helped me process: “How could you get started right now in a small way?”
“I can send invitations for a free monthly lunch seminar in my office,” I ventured. “The sandwiches would be on me and I’d share with consultants the science of finding clients.”
My first free lunch seminar was the next month…right after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. To my surprise, consultants actually showed up for my lunch seminars. After I explained my theories, the attendees asked how much I’d charge to be their coach. Soon they asked me to write books for them and teach them to give speeches that attract clients. Meanwhile, while five of the top 10 advertising and PR firms in San Diego went out of business, my work helping consultants attract clients literally took over my business.
We renamed our company the New Client Marketing Institute. Over the next eight years I invested $2 million in scientifically researching how to attract high-paying clients. We even tied in with the Harvard Business School. My research revealed a proven way for consultants to obtain a marketing return on investment of 400% to 2000%. Along the way I authored 18 business books: six for me and 12 ghostwritten for clients.
Now I annually speak to thousands of consultants, teaching them writing and speaking strategies to attract high-paying clients. In addition to running the New Client Marketing Institute and the Marketing With a Book Summits™, in 2007 I accepted an appointment as a member of the marketing faculty and assistant dean for continuing education at the University of California San Diego, a campus located in a grove of trees overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
I share my story in order to spread a message of encouragement to consultants who are good at what they do and need to learn the science of attracting high-paying clients.