You do not need psychic powers to predict the news. Certain stories appear with regularity. Sex, money and health are the three topics that are always in style. If you can provide new information on these subjects, the media will always welcome your input.
Other topics come in and out of style. Just like there are fashions in clothes and cars, there are fashions in news. To be a quoted authority, think not only news topic but also what is in style for this news season. Here is a month-by-month list of news topics. Newspapers, magazines, television, and radio are looking for fresh spins on these ageless news pegs.
- January Fitness, prediction, Super Bowl
- February Romance
- March Spring training
- April Baseball
- May Moms
- June Weddings, graduations, dads
- July Vacations, Fourth of July
- August Hot weather
- September Back to school, football
- October World Series, Halloween
- November Elections, Thanksgiving
- December Holidays, year-end wrap-ups
Another predictable aspect of media coverage is the anniversary story. For example, major news events are re-examined after intervals of one, ten, twenty, twenty-five and thirty years. Not only does history repeat itself, so does the news.