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Would you like an invitation to be my guest to attend one of my four upcoming private Marketing With a Book Summits? Then send me an email to [email protected] why you should be invited.

Hi, my name is Henry DeVries and I run a company called the New Client Marketing Institute.  I work with consultants who want to position themselves as an expert, grow their business and explore the possibilities of what could happen if they were the author of a book. It has been a privilege to work with consultants as a writer or editor on 40 book projects in the last six years. My proposals have earned five figure advances for clients. My latest book, How to Close Deals Like Warren Buffet, co-authored with Tom Searcy, will be published by McGraw-Hill in November of 2012. My team and I have published with the top five publishers, privately published, independently published and association published (American Medical Association and the American Marketing Association), so I personally know the dos and don’ts of all current publishing options. I also have relationships with some of the most respected agents in the business and have launched and supported columns in CBS MoneyWatch, and helping to gain notoriety, free publicity and larger reach.

I am also founder of the Marketing with a Book Summits. These are informational-only private summits about how to find more clients by publishing and speaking. Many marketing experts will be in attendance giving Ted conference style talks (15-20 minutes, very focused) on various aspects of getting published and speaking. There will be no selling. That’s right, no selling from me, Mark LeBlanc, best-selling author and past president of the National Speakers Association, my co-host or any of the other speakers. Amazing but true.

Here is the Marketing With A Book Summit schedule:

  • Monday Sept. 10 from in Minneapolis from 9 am to 3pm at the airport Holiday Inn


  • Sunday Oct. 21 in New York City, midtown near 54th, 9:30 am to 3 pm, following Mark’s private seminar 9:30 am to 3 pm on Saturday Oct. 20 at same location NYC location


  • Saturday Nov. 10 in La Jolla at La Jolla Shores Hotel (which I already invited you to) from 9 am to 3 pm, which will be followed by Mark’s private seminar in downtown La Jolla at Best Western on Sunday Nov. 11 9am to 3pm


  • Saturday Dec 15 in Orange County, CA from 9 am to 3 pm at a hotel near John Wayne Airport, which will be preceded by Mark’s private seminar on Friday Dec. 14 from 9 am to 3 pm


What Will Be Covered

If you have attended a summit before this is new information about what is happening in the world of publishing and speaking to find new clients. If you could attend both events, the book summit and Mark’s private seminar on how to grow your business, I would do it because the events are complementary. His is also an information-only event with no selling. You can’t beat the price of either event: free.

There is a great deal of information I have uncovered since our last book summits. Each of the four summits will be different and include a variety of viewpoints. Some of the information I will include:

  • Trends about speaking for Vistage (also known as a pride-swallowing siege)
  • How to speak at YPO
  • How to speak Renaissance Executive Forums
  • How to speak to Ted and Tedx conferences
  • What to say to editors and reporters to generate publicity
  • How to ask 1 million people to buy your book
  • What are low-cost tools for guaranteed national publicity
  • How to sell a major publisher like Wiley or McGraw-Hill
  • How to work with an independent publisher for more profits and control
  • How to launch a free book promotion blogsite
  • How to land a column with, or CBS MoneyWatch
  • When does it make sense to hire a publicist
  • How to sell books by the case
  • What is and isn’t working with social media (hint: LinkedIn)
  • Sample killer book proposals
  • What it takes to land a column with a daily newspaper
  • New models for converting seminar attendees into clients


How to Register

Registration is simple. Send me an email to [email protected] and tell me what events you want to attend. Then I will send you confirmation information with exact details. Space is limited and we don’t want too many people at the summits (two dozen max) so registration is on a first come, first served basis. Also, if you need to cancel, that’s okay but tell me as soon as you have a change of plans so I can let someone in from the waiting list.