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To attract new clients, the best approach is to prove your expertise by giving away valuable information through writing and speaking.  Actually, that isn’t technically true. You should sell the information if you want to win clients and influence referrals.

If you want to attract high-paying clients, it pays to be an author and a speaker.


Independent professionals, management consultants, corporate trainers, executive coaches, marketing and creative firms, and HR and recruiting consultants can fill a pipeline with qualified prospects in as little as 30 days by offering advice to prospects on how to overcome their most pressing problems.  But don’t do it for free.  Charge for your seminars and the information will be valued more by your potential clients.  The burden is also on you to research great information.

This also helps those people who know, like and trust you enough to refer business to you.  You can make these people a special deal: if they know someone who would value what you have to say, then your referral source can offer comp admission to your events on a space available basis.

Look what this does. You make the referral source feel special because they can hook people up.  The prospects who attend still value the information more because there is a charge for it, and they feel even better because they didn’t have to pay.

Unfortunately, many professionals who learn this truth find the idea of writing and speaking too daunting and even mysterious. Most feel this is only for a select few, but that is a miscalculated view.

Want to learn how?

Then join us for the Marketing  With A Book Summit.


 Learn Insider Secrets On How to Turn Your Expertise Into

Client-Attracting Books and Speeches

 The #1 challenge for those promoting a service is attracting high-paying clients.  However, many consultants and service business owners feel marketing is too time consuming, expensive or undignified. But science has discovered a better way. 

Come and walk away with these top 7 action plans:

  1. Use the Top 14 Scientifically Proven Ways to Attract Clients (Hint: 5 of the Top 7 Involve Writing and Speaking)
  2. Capitalize on New Scientific Breakthroughs that Help You Build Instant Credibility With a Book that Builds Your Brand
  3. Discover How to Publish Your Book With Built-In Marketing in 90 Days or Less
  4. Take Advantage of the Latest Digital Technological Breakthroughs in Marketing and Printing That Allow You to Publish Easier and Faster than Ever Before!
  5. Utilize the Steps to Take to Sell Books by the Case and by Special Order (How One Little Book Can Quadruple Your Income and Double Your Number of Clients)
  6. Work Smarter, Hot Harder with The Lazy Man’s Way to Social Media™: Quick and Easy Online Marketing Shortcuts for Male and Female Authors, Consultants and Speakers
  7. Say “Bye Bye” to Your Boring Bio and Create Breakthroughs Biographical Sketches, Titles and Topics that Attract Clients Like Electromagnets (We Guide You Through the Process and Give You Immediate Feedback)

 Your bonus gifts include: 

  • Gift #1: 300-Page Manual on Attracting and Enrolling Clients by Getting Published and Public Speaking
  • Gift #2: 7  Scientifically-Tested Phrases to Get Clients to Sign on the Bottom Line
  •  Gift #3: 3 Biggest Public Speaking Blunders that Consultants Make an How YOU Can Avoid Them

February 25-26, 2011

3 to 9 pm Friday, 9 am to 3 pm Saturday

La Jolla Shores Hotel, La Jolla, California

$795 summit cost,

$495 early bird price until February 7, 2011

Friday dinner and Saturday lunch included

(Rooms at oceanfront La Jolla Shores Hotel @ $149 discount room rate)

To learn more visit the events page of this blogsite. I hope to see you in La Jolla.