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I am a big fan of Joan Stewart and her Web site, The Publicity Hound. Stewart is a former newspaper editor who gives solid publicity advice. Don't just read what she says, observe what she does.

Here is solid advice from my favorite publicity expert, Joan Stewart.

“If you’re writing a book, or thinking of writing one, please don’t take the quickest path to the poorhouse,” says Stewart, a former newspaper editor.
“Don’t start writing your next book unless you can identify multiple ways you’re going to make money from it.”

I say amen to that.
Stewart continues: “The answer ‘I’m going to make money when people buy it at the book store’ doesn’t count. That revenue is quickly wiped out from what it cost you to publish the book. 
“Sadly, thousands of authors view the book as the end product—the one thing that’s going to bring them fame and fortune and make them rich. When the book doesn’t sell, they call me, sobbing because they can’t park in their garages that are filled with unopened boxes of books they can’t unload.”

Here is what Stewart says smart authors do:

“Smart authors use their books as calling cards.  The book “upsells” readers to a variety of other products and services. Those can include small-ticket items like board games, calendars, coffee mugs and information products to really pricey services like coaching programs, boot camps and membership sites.”
Please read her blog on 7 things authors do to stay out of the poorhouse. For full details on what Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, has to say please go to:
I highly recommend her Web site. Many valuable free tips and some even better ones for low cost.