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My Top 7 Screenplays of 2010

The Writer’s Guild of America has come out with its nominees for best film writing. We don’t see eye to eye. Here is my writer’s opinion (not a member of the WGA, BTW) of the year’s best written films...

7 ways to read your way to more clients

Ah, the classics. Here are some books to help you attract more clients. 1001 Ways to Market Your Services—Even if You Hate to Sell by Rick Crandall (Contemporary Books, 1998, $16.95). This specific guide to marketing and sales methods provides 1001 real examples of...

How to get publicity that gets clients

You must continually get the name of the firm out to the media. Research shows that publicity is the number one reason prospective clients will visit your Web site, so each piece of publicity should be designed to promote the Web site address. You do not need psychic...